Τρίτη 13 Μαρτίου 2012

Ο Paul Krugman εξηγεί ποιά είναι η ορθή αναλογία ανάμεσα στην Ελληνική οικονομία και σε ένα καταχρεωμένο σπιτικό


Losing the Belt

A number of people have asked me for a quick, easy explanation of the difference between a government and a family — basically, what’s wrong with the argument that when times are tough the government should tighten its belt.
I’m working on it. But maybe we can use Greece as a quick illustration of the point.
After all, you could view Greece as being like a family that overspent, got itself into debt, and whose members now have to do all the things families do when they get in that position: slash spending on inessentials, postpone medical care and other big expenses, quit their jobs and reduce their incomes — oh, wait.

That’s the key point, of course. When a family tightens its belt it doesn’t put itself out of a job. When a government tightens its belt in a depressed economy, it puts lots of people out of jobs; and this is a negative even from the government’s own, narrowly fiscal point of view, since a shrinking economy means less revenue.
Now, you might argue that slashing government spending doesn’t actually cost jobs — that is, you might argue that if you spent the past few years in a cave or a conservative think tank, cut off from any information about how austerity is working in practice. For the results of austerity policies in Europe have been as good a test as you ever get in macroeconomics, and without exception big cuts in government spending have been followed by big declines in GDP.
So lose the belt; it’s a really bad metaphor.

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